One year health guarantee for all puppies including:

          *Heart defects (scale 4 or above)         

*Organ dysfunction   

      *Genetic defect     

    *Life-threatening defect   

      *Canine Distemper     

    *Canine coronavirus

Here at PPWDs all of our puppies receive the best care as they deserve. All of our puppies are vaccinated and are up-to-date. The health certificate and vaccination will be given upon your time of purchase.

In case your puppy develops any untreatable life-threatening defect or death occurs by heart, organ, genetic defect, please send initial vet exams stating the cause of death and a picture of the puppy deceased. When making a claim, we require you to send us a copy of all of your initial vet exams and your permission to speak with your vet. Please note that canine distemper and canine coronavirus symptoms must be reported to us by your vet in the first 15 days of receiving your puppy (incubation period) to be eligible for the health guarantee .

We do not cover any treatable disorders or common disorders such as luxating patella, hernias, open fontanel, parasites, and blood sugar.

Please feed your puppy properly to prevent Hypoglycemia/low blood sugar.
We properly treat all puppies with Parasites however, parasites are not covered in our guarantee as they are common in all puppies and easily treatable.

We will gladly replace your puppy under reasonable circumstances however, we are not responsible for any vet bills.

The puppy you have selected is warranted by us to the original purchaser to be healthy at the time of purchase. In accordance with the above, We also guarantee your puppy to be free from Distemper, Hepatitis, Corona Virus, for 15 days from the day of arrival. Should your veterinarian detect any of the above mentioned diseases within the 15 day period immediately following your purchase, you must notify us for the puppy to be changed or refunded .

We need your cooperation. You must take responsibility for your pet. Our warranty stipulates that you must have your puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian within 10 days of taking possession. (PLEASE NO VACCINES UNTIL SECOND VISIT.) After reviewing the records we have provided and evaluating your puppy, your veterinarian will provide a schedule of the remaining preventative care steps. Do not put off this initial vet visit.

Remember that we have been monitoring your puppy’s health daily. A new home, new food, and new people are all stressful. These stresses can lead to rapid changes in your puppy’s general health. Seeking advice from Doctor Pup and your veterinarian will help reduce the risks.